<p><b><i>The Hyena and the Hawk </i></b><b>is the conclusion to Adrian Tchaikovsky’s epic fantasy trilogy, Echoes of the Fall, following <i>The Bear and the Serpent</i>.</b><br><br><b>‘A classically brilliant fantasy writer’ – Paul Cornell</b><br><br><b>The unmaking of the world has begun.</b><br><br>From the depths of the darkest myths, the soulless Plague People have returned. Their pale-walled camps obliterate villages, just as the terror they bring with them destroys minds. In their wake, nothing is left of the true people: not their places, not their ways. The Plague People will remake the world as though they had never been.<br><br>The heroes and leaders of the true people – Maniye, Loud Thunder, Hesprec and Asman – will each fight the Plague People in their own ways. They will seek allies, gather armies and lead the cha