<P><EM>The Hero¿s Mask</EM> is an engaging novel about Carrie, an eleven-year old girl and her friends who work together to stop the bullies picking on their classmates as they unravel mysteries in their school. The novel traces Carrie¿s discovery of strengths within herself, her family and her friends, despite losses and hardships in her family, and how Carrie is inspired by a new teacher who helps her learn the secrets of heroes. <I>The Hero¿s Mask</I> is a story about children and parents/caregivers overcoming fears and healing the wounds separating a mother and daughter, both scarred by traumatic grief.</P><P>This book is also available to purchase alongside a guidebook as part of the two-component set, <I>The Hero''s Mask: Helping Children with Traumatic Stress</I>. This essential resource provides a resiliency-focused guide for promoting trauma-informed schools and child and family services to help children and families experiencing traumatic stress.</P>