<p><b>All her mother left her was a clue to a family secret. But is it a mystery best left unsolved?</b></p><p>For decades Emma Bowen has hoped she and her mother, Margaret, might find a way back into each other’s lives. Even as a child, her strongest connection to her mother was a painting Margaret created before Emma was born, of a little girl lost in a maze. So when Margaret dies, gifting the painting to a total stranger, Emma is consumed by grief—for her mother, the little girl, and the relationship they never had.</p><p>Clearing out her mother’s seaside flat, Emma is faced with a mountain of possessions and paperwork from a life she knows so little about. When she discovers something that throws doubt over everything she’s ever been told about Margaret’s past, Emma must decide whether to pull at the thread of secrets and lies. Will the truth help her through her grief—or reveal a loss that runs deeper than she ever imagined?</p><p><b>Revised edi