<p><b>In the battle between the stifling Dragon and the boundless GOAT each person longs to be, which force will prevail?</b></p><p>Individuals often struggle between their primitive, protective “Dragon” brain and their desire to live a full and vibrant GOAT (Greatest of All Time) life. Most people fall prey to the domineering Dragon, punching the clock, settling for “good enough,” and watching their dreams fade to grey. When the world seems heavy and the days seem long, the Dragon is winning. But it doesn’t have to be that way. </p><p>Anyone can transform the tragedy of a bland life by tending to their inner GOAT: that unique and incredible version of themselves that wants to write the story of their life, in their own words, with their own adventures. Each person’s GOAT is like none other. It strives to live a happy, successful and free life, always in control, clear on its purpose and the meaningfulness of eac