<p><i>''A brave, fascinating, and persuasive read - and will soon become the definitive book on social prescribing. Full of integrity, humor, and great storytelling, this book will change lives, and possibly the world.''</i><br><b>Dr. Michael Dixon, OBE, author of <i>Time to Heal</i> and former NHS National Lead for Social Prescription<br><br>In this combination of diligent science reporting, moving patient success stories, and surprising self-discovery, journalist Julia Hotz helps us discover lasting and life-changing medicine in our own communities.</b><br><br>Traditionally, when we get sick, health care professionals ask, "What''s the matter with you?" But around the world, teams of doctors, nurses, therapists, and social workers have started to flip the script, asking "What matters to you?" Instead of solely pharmaceutical prescriptions, they offer ''social prescriptions''-referrals to community activities and resources, like photography classes, gardening groups, and volunteering