<p><b><i>Jack and Betty Haldean''s weekend in the country is disrupted by sudden, violent death in this intricately-plotted 1920s mystery.</i></b><br><br><b>"The surprising revelations just keep coming. This is a real treat for those who enjoy Agatha Christie village murders" - <i>Publishers Weekly</i> Starred Review</b><br><br><i>"There''s something in those woods that shouldn''t be there . . ."</i><br><br>Enjoying a weekend in the country with his cousin Isabelle, Jack Haldean is intrigued to learn that the neighbouring estate of Birchen Bower has been bought by wealthy Canadian businessman Tom Jago. Determined to restore the place to its former glory, Jago has invited the local villagers to a fete to celebrate the grand re-opening of the 17th century family chapel. <br><br>But the afternoon''s entertainment is cut short by the discovery of a body, mauled to death as if by a wild animal. Previously owned by the eccentric Cayden family, Birchen Bower has a long and colourful history,