<p>It could happen at 10:10 a.m. in the midst of interactive writing, at 2:30, when listening to readers, or even after class, when planning a lesson. The question arises: <em>How do I influence students’ learning–what’s going to generate that light bulb Aha-moment of understanding? </em><br/><br/> In this sequel to their megawatt best seller <em>Visible Learning for Literacy</em>, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie help you answer that question by sharing structures and tools for effective literacy instruction that have high-impact on learning—and insights on which stage of learning they have that high impact. <br/> <br/> With their expert lessons, video clips, and online resources, you can deliver sustained, comprehensive experiences in phonics, guided reading, interactive writing, content-area discussions—in virtually all you teach:</p><ul><li><strong>Mobilizing Visible Learning:</strong> Use lesson design strategies ba