<b>“A groundbreaking series…razor-sharp, compulsively readable courtroom scenes.” – <i>The New York Times Book Review</i><br><br><i></i>“Another barrier-breaking thriller from a voice missing too long from the mystery chorus.” – <i>The Los Angeles Times Book Review</i><br><br><i> The New York Times </i>Best Mystery Novel in a Series 2022 <i>The Los Angeles Times</i> Best Crime Novels Winter 2022 LAMBDA Literary Most Anticipated LGBTQIA+ Literature CrimeReads Most Anticipated and Best Crime Fiction Of 2022 SheReads Best Mystery Books Coming in 2022<br><br> Perfect for fans of Laura Griffin and Lisa Unger, Attorney and LGBTQ+ activist Robyn Gigl tackles the complexities of gender, power, public perception, and human trafficking with a ripped-from-the-headlines plot in this powerful legal thriller featuring a transgender attorney at its center.</b><br><br>At first, the death of millionaire businessman Charles Parsons seems like a straight