<i>Sudoku For Dummies,</i> Volume 2 will offer 240 original and addictive puzzles including <b>new</b> circular and 16 x 16 puzzles to add new dimensions to game play and keep the most avid Sudoku fan entertained. Of the 240 puzzles, 220 are the popular 9x9 puzzles, 10 are 16 x 16, and 10 are circular puzzles. Within each of these categories there are Easy, Tricky, Tough and Diabolical puzzle ratings; and each puzzle is clearly identified with the rating. <p>More than just a listing of puzzles, <i>Sudoku For Dummies,</i> Volume 2 features a chapter explaining <u>how to</u> solve puzzles and the strategies involved. Additionally, readers receive all puzzle solutions in the back of the book. Finally, <i>Sudoku For Dummies</i>, Volume 2 includes a brief history of Sudoku (or Su Doku) for those interested. Descriptions of the newer types of puzzles are listed below.</p><p><b>Circular Sudoku (10 included: 3 Easy, 3 Tricky, 2 Tough, and 2 Diabolical)<br/></b>The rules are similar to the nor