<P><EM>Stuttering and Cluttering </EM>provides a clear, accessible and wide-ranging overview of both the theoretical and clinical aspects of two disorders of fluency: stuttering and cluttering. This edition remains loyal to the idea that stuttering and cluttering can best be understood by first considering various overarching frameworks which can then be expanded upon, and provides a clear position from which to disentangle the often complex interrelationships of these frameworks.<BR><BR>The book is divided into two parts, the first of which mainly deals with theory and aetiology, while the second focuses on clinical aspects of assessment, diagnosis and treatment. The book also provides frequent references across Parts I and II to help link the various areas of investigation together.<BR><BR>This revised edition of <EM>Stuttering and Cluttering</EM> reflects the major changes in thinking regarding both theory and therapy that have taken place since the publication of the