Reinforce your understanding of A&P concepts with this practical study guide! With chapters corresponding to those in the Structure & Function of the Body, 17th Edition textbook, this workbook provides review questions and exercises to help you master the most important material. Each chapter begins with an overview of the concepts covered in each chapter of the textbook, and then tests your understanding with a variety of questions and activities. Answers to all questions are included in the back of the book. NEW! Updated content corresponds to the updates in the Structure & Function of the Body, 17th Edition textbook. Brief synopsis of core concepts in each chapter provides an overview of the most essential content from the textbook. Matching, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true/false exercises reinforce your understanding of content. Crossword puzzles and Word Finds help you master new vocabulary terms and their spellings. Anatomy drawings and labeling exercises help you le