<b>Who will hold continue the Starman lineage and carry the Cosmic Rod? And who will protect Opal City?</b><br><br><i>Starman Compendium</i> 2 includes thrilling tales of both Jack Knight’s time as Starman and Ted Knight’s time in the role. These action-packed adventures include some familiar faces like Batman and The Shade—as well as some unexpected friends, like Hellboy?!<br> <br>Find out who else will make an appearance in this incredible collection, including favorites from <i>All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant</i> #1, <i>Batman/Hellboy/Starman</i>#1-2, <i>JSA All-Stars</i> #4, <i>Starman</i>#43-81, <i>Starman</i> #1 (1998), <i>Starman/Congorilla</i> #1, <i>Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.</i> #0, and <i>The Shade</i> #1-12!