<B>In <I>Spiritugraphics</I>, authors Brad Benbow and Phil Daniels explore, through research and case studies on some of the top brands and companies, the question of whether or not faith influences consumption and to what extent it influences our day-to-day purchasing decisions with the goal of helping companies reach this deeply connected segment of the marketplace. </B><BR><BR>Marketers and brand managers have long operated under the framework of demographics, psychographics, and sociographics. Authors Brad Benbow and Phil Daniels now present a new, illuminating set of data for businesses and brands to consider: spiritugraphics.<BR><BR>Does a person’s faith affect what they buy and don’t buy? Where they make their purchases? Are consumers shopping differently today versus three to five years ago? These and other key questions were posed in a national behavioral study executed by America’s Research Group.<BR><BR>The findings from this research resulted in <I>Spiritu