<P><EM>Soundwalking</EM> brings together a diverse group of contemporary scholars, artists and thinkers in one of the first comprehensive studies of soundwalking - the practice of moving through space while carefully listening to what it has to say - to address urgent challenges and concerns of an environmental, ethical, social and technological nature.</P><P>Besides gaining insight into the historical development of soundwalking as a scholarly method and artistic genre, the reader will have a chance to learn from emerging voices concerned with this practice, of many different backgrounds and positionalities. <I>Soundwalking</I> demonstrates how attentive listening and walking might help with more careful and responsible navigation through the complex dimensions of our shared environments and entangled histories, often imperceptible on a day-to-day basis. The book encourages scholars, artists, and also those unfamiliar with the concept, to engage with it in their respective fields and