There is no place on earth that does not echo with the near or distant sounds of human activity. More than half of humanity lives in cities, meaning the daily soundtrack of our lives is filled with sound¿whether it be sonorous, harmonious, melodic, syncopated, discordant, cacophonous, or even screeching. This new anthology aims to explore how humans are placed in certain affective attitudes and dispositions by the music, sounds, and noises that envelop us. ¿Sound and Affect¿maps a new territory for¿inquiry¿at the intersection of music, philosophy,¿affect theory,¿and sound studies.¿The essays¿in¿this volume¿consider¿objects and experiences¿marked by the¿correlation of sound and affect, in music and beyond: the voice,¿as it speaks, stutters, cries, or sings; music, whether vocal, instrumental, or¿machine-made;¿and¿our sonic environments, whether natural or¿artificial, and¿how they provoke responses in us.¿Far¿from being stable, correlations of sound and affect are influenced¿and even det