<p>Although somatosensory system works in tandem with the motor system in biology, the majority of the prosthetics research and commercial efforts had focused on accommodating movement deficits. With the development of neuroprostheses in the last 15 years, it has become evident that somatosensory input (mainly as touch and proprioception) is essential for motor control, manipulating objects, and embodiment, in addition to its primary role for sensory perception.</p><i><p>Somatosensory Feedback for Neuroprosthetics</i> covers all relevant aspects to facilitate learning and doing research and development in the field.</p><p>To understand the properties of the body to create viable solutions, this book starts with chapters reviewing the basic anatomy, physiology, and psychophysics of the somatosensory system, sensorimotor control, and instrumentation. Some sections are dedicated to invasive (peripheral and central, mainly cortical) and noninvasive (vibrotactile, electrotactile, etc.) appr