<P><STRONG><EM>Software Security: Concepts & Practices</EM></STRONG> is designed as a textbook and explores fundamental security theories that govern common software security technical issues. It focuses on the practical programming materials that will teach readers how to implement security solutions using the most popular software packages. It¿s not limited to any specific cybersecurity subtopics and the chapters touch upon a wide range of cybersecurity domains, ranging from malware to biometrics and more.</P><B><P><EM>Features</EM></P><UL><LI></B>The book presents the implementation of a unique socio-technical solution for real-time cybersecurity awareness.</LI><LI>It provides comprehensible knowledge about security, risk, protection, estimation, knowledge and governance. </LI><LI>Various emerging standards, models, metrics, continuous updates and tools are described to understand security principals and mitigation mechanism for higher security.</LI><LI>The book also explores co