<P>Bernie Sanders¿ socialist advocacy in the United States, communist China¿s economic successes and a Marxist revival are inspiring many to muse about improved strategies for building superior socialist futures. <EM>Socialist Economic Systems</EM> provides an objective record of socialism¿s promises and performance during 1820¿2022, identifies a feasible path forward and provides a rigorous analytic framework for the comparison of economic systems. </P><P>The book opens by surveying pre-industrial utopias from Plato to Thomas More, and libertarian communal designs for superior living. It plumbs all aspects of the revolutionary and democratic socialist political movements that emerged after 1870 and considers the comparative economic, political and social performance of the USSR and others from the Bolshevik Revolution onwards. The book also provides case studies for all revolutionary Marxist¿Leninist regimes, and supplementary discussions of Mondragon cooperatives, Israeli kibbut