<p>Every picture tells a story, and stories have the power to educate. Looking at two key Jungian archetypes - the father and the shadow - from a challenging perspective, this book investigates the negative, shadowy side of fatherhood and its detrimental effect on children by presenting a collection of stories from all over the world.</p><p>Blurring the line between fiction and fact, art and academic theory, the book travels across a difficult psychosocial landscape, discussing family life, mental health, and criminality. Mark Holmwood highlights the educational value of these stories whilst exploring the father-child dynamic, adverse childhood experiences, father hunger, asymmetrical power relations, psychological manipulation, narcissism, domestic violence, sexual abuse, patricide, and filicide. Jungian and post-Jungian viewpoints on the bond between fathers and their children are woven into a bigger, interconnected narrative which invites the readers to re-think clinical, sociologic