<p><i>Senescence, Senotherapeutics and Mitochondria, Volume 136</i> offers updates on this unique topics, with chapters covering Cellular Senescence in Aging: Molecular Basis, Implications and Therapeutic Interventions, Mitochondria-associated Cellular Senescence Mechanisms: Biochemical and Pharmacological Perspectives, Mitochondria in cell senescence: Friend or Foe?, The role of mitochondria and mitophagy in cell senescence, Small molecules targeting mitochondrial dysfunction for potential senotheraputics, Senolytic and senomorphic interventions to defy senescence-associated mitochondrial dysfunction, Mitochondrial targeting peptides and probes, Mitochondria-derived peptides in healthy ageing and therapy of age-related diseases, and much more.</p><p>Other sections cover Targeting of mitostasis-proteostasis axis by antioxidant polysaccharides in neurodegeneration, Phytotherapeutic targeting of the mitochondria in neurodegenerative disorders, Melatonin as mitochondria-targeted drugs, Co