<b>The premier exam-prep guide for surgery¿with 800+ board-style practice questions with detailed answers and rationales</b><br><br>Based on general surgery¿s cornerstone text,<i> Schwartz¿s Principles of Surgery</i>, this unmatched study guide provides everything they need to ace your exams¿whether you¿re a resident or a practicing surgeon seeking recertification. <br><br>Developed by the top minds in modern surgery, <i>Schwartz¿s Principles of Surgery ABSITE and Board Review, 11th Edition </i>delivers the most current, authoritative perspectives on surgical practice. Each practice question is accompanied by answers and comprehension-building rationales, ensuring complete understanding of the material. Answers are keyed to the latest edition of <i>Schwartz¿s Principles of Surgery</i> providing only the studying only relevant, applicable material from the most authoritative source possible.<br><br>Features<br><br>¿<span></span>300 photos and illustrations<br>¿<span></span>Updated