<P>Evolved through conversations with key early childhood education experts, <I>Schemas in the Early Years </I>focuses on the value of ¿repeated patterns¿ of action or ¿schemas¿ in young children¿s play. It stimulates readers to ask questions of themselves, to watch children closely, and to create a dialogue with parents and other educators as well.</P><I><P></P></I><P>Contributors to this fascinating book discuss their observation of children in naturalistic situations when they are deeply involved in play and identify topics or themes that can be linked to and inspire professional development opportunities. This book provides an antidote to beginning with the curriculum rather than the child and really considers children as learners. Each chapter focuses on young children and schemas, considering a wide age range from babies to children attending statutory schooling.</P><P></P><I><P>Schemas in the Early Years </I>is an accessible and inspiring text and serves as essential reading for