<h2><b>Raising Black Teen Boys in Turbulent Times </b></h2><p>"It is always heartening to see women step up to the writer''s table. When the results are as adroit and affecting as Marita Golden''s work, it is more than satisfying; it is a cause for celebration."—<b>Toni Morrison</b>, Nobel Laureate</p><p><b>Two decades ago, Marita was the first Black writer to address the horrifying statistic that haunts all Black mothers: the leading cause of death among Black males under twenty-one is homicide. Today, police brutality rages on as millions call for the reformation of our broken law enforcement in the wake of the traumatic murders of Black teen boys like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Daunte Wright. </b></p><p><b>Read an intimate account of a mother’s efforts to save her son.</b> Writing her son’s story against the backdrop of a society plagued by systemic racism, economic inequality, and mass incarceration, Golden offers a form of witness an