<p>"The level is appropriate for an upper-level undergraduate or graduate-level statistics major. Sampling: Design and Analysis (SDA) will also benefit a non-statistics major with a desire to understand the concepts of sampling from a finite population. A student with patience to delve into the rigor of survey statistics will gain even more from the content that SDA offers. The updates to SDA have potential to enrich traditional survey sampling classes at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The new discussions of low response rates, non-probability surveys, and internet as a data collection mode hold particular value, as these statistical issues have become increasingly important in survey practice in recent years¿ I would eagerly adopt the new edition of SDA as the required textbook." (Emily Berg, Iowa State University)</p><p>What is the unemployment rate? What is the total area of land planted with soybeans? How many persons have antibodies to the virus causing COVID-19? <i>S