<p>Used by sites as varied as Hulu, GitHub, Shopify, and Airbnb, Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular frameworks for developing web applications, but it can be challenging to learn and use. Whether you''re new to web development or new only to <strong><em>Rails, Ruby on Rails¿ Tutorial, Seventh Edition,</em></strong> is the solution.</p><p>Best-selling author and leading Rails developer Michael Hartl teaches Rails by guiding you through the development of three example applications of increasing sophistication. The tutorial''s examples focus on the general principles of web development needed for virtually any kind of website. The updates to this edition include full compatibility with Rails 7.</p><p>This indispensable guide provides integrated tutorials not only for Rails, but also for the essential Ruby, HTML, CSS, and SQL skills you need when developing web applications. Hartl explains how each new technique solves a real-world problem, and then he demonstrates it with bite-size