<p>Whether you are following the progress of a moth as it flutters around a street lamp or become captivated by the sight of a hawk-moth feeding from lavender, moths are everywhere. But can you tell a Peach Blossom from a Buff Arches? Or distinguish between a Cinnabar and a Six-spot Burnet? Mostly active by night, moths are often overlooked compared to colourful day-flying butterflies. But the UK is home to more than 2,500 moth species, many of which are beautiful and varied, with different wing shapes, sizes and patterns. <br><br><i>RSPB ID Spotlight Moths</i> is a reliable fold-out chart that presents illustrations of 90 of our most widespread and familiar moths by renowned artist Richard Lewington. <br><br>- Species are grouped by family and helpfully labelled to assist with identification<br>- Artworks are shown side by side for quick comparison and easy reference at home or in the field<br>- The reverse of the chart provides information on the habitats, behaviour, life cycles and