<p><b><i>¿Joseph is a deft deployer of suspense and nuance¿ Sunday Times</i><br><i>¿Her Honour entertains as she educates us¿ Philippa Perry</i><br><i>¿If ever I was on trial I would want my judge to be this one.¿ Cherie Blair, CBE QC</i><br><i>¿The author''s wit and wisdom deserve as wide an audience as possible.¿ His Honour David Radford</i><br><i>¿An author who uses hindsight to contemplate foresight whilst generating genuine insight.¿ Professor Dame Sue Black</i><br><i>¿Her writing is characterized by analytical precision, but it is also a book of great empathy and urgency...¿ TLS</i></b><br><br><br>What <i>is</i> justice<i>?</i> Do our legal courts dispense it? Has our judicial process improved, for the victims, the accused and for society? What more must be done to ensure genuine justice is carried out in future?<br><br>Following on the heels of her bestseller <i>Unlawful Killings</i>, Old Bailey judge Wendy Joseph KC skilfully reconstructs courtroom dramas affecting society¿s mo