<P><STRONG>Rock Dynamics: Progress and Prospect</STRONG> contains 153 scientific and technical papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications (RocDyn-4, Xuzhou, China, 17-19 August 2022). The two-volume set has 7 sections. Volume 1 includes the first four sections with 6 keynotes and 5 young scholar plenary session papers, and contributions on analysis and theoretical development, and experimental testing and techniques. Volume 2 contains the remaining three sections with 74 papers on numerical modelling and methods, seismic and earthquake engineering, and rock excavation and engineering.</P><P><STRONG>Rock Dynamics: Progress and Prospect</STRONG> will serve as a reference on developments in rock dynamics scientific research and on rock dynamics engineering applications. The previous volumes in this series (RocDyn-1, RocDyn-2, and RocDyn-3) are also available via CRC Press.</P>