Designed to complement Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th Edition and Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th Edition, the full-color Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology offers more than 1,800 outstanding illustrations that vividly depict the most common diseases covered in pathology courses and USMLE exams. Covering all major topic areas in organ system pathology and incorporating the latest understanding of pathophysiology and molecular medicine, it is a quick visual reference or review for students and professionals alike.<ul><li><p>Quickly compare gross, microscopic, and radiologic images with examples of normal organs and tissues. </p></li><li><p>Review just the key information you need to know with help from extensive legends that provide convenient summaries and highlight key aspects of patient care and diagnostic strategies. </p></li><li><p>Understand the correlation between pathology and clinical history, physical exam findings, and clinical laboratory tests. </p></l