Every child who loves Roald Dahl''s stories knows all about disgusterous snozzcumbers, fizzy frobscottle, crrrabcrrruncher claws and everlasting gobstoppers but have they spotted all the other lip-smackingly glorious and downright yucksome words? Have they discovered how the clever use of foodie words can spice up a story of their own? This little book brings together Roald Dahl''s made up words as well as lots of real ones and gives ideas and techniques to inspire young writers. Children will discover onomatopoeic words like gobble and guzzle, slurpy synonyms, how to blend words together to make their own new words, as well as how characters'' names like Verruca Salt and Aunt Sponge can tell us so much about them. Illustrated throughout with Quentin Blake''s artwork, this book is part of a four book set which, through the magic of Roald Dahl''s writing, will help to build children''s confidence with language while having mischievous fun!