<p><b>What doesn''t kill you makes you stronger! Activate your natural ability to thrive with <i>Resilience For Dummies</i></b></p><p>Stress, anxiety, and exhaustion are all-too-common features of our crazy-paced, curveball-throwing contemporary existence, and it''s sometimes hard to see how we can make it from one week to the next intact. But there''s a solution to the struggle: resilience! In <i>Resilience For Dummies</i>, Dr. Eva Selhub¿former Harvard Medical School instructor and director of the Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital for six years¿outlines the proven steps we can all take toward optimal resilience to build healthier, more purposeful, and increasingly joyful lives.</p><p>The six pillars of resilience are: physical vitality, emotional equilibrium, mental toughness and clarity, spiritual purpose, healthy personal relationships, and being an inspiring leader and part of a wider community or team. Dr. Selhub explains why each