<p>Flower painter <strong>Pierre-Joseph Redout¿strong> (1759¿1840) devoted himself exclusively to capturing the diversity of flowering plants in watercolor paintings which were then published as copper engravings, with careful botanical descriptions. The <strong>darling of wealthy Parisian patrons </strong>including <strong>Napoleon¿s wife Josephine</strong>, he was dubbed ¿<strong>the Raphael of flowers</strong>,¿ and is regarded to this day as a <strong>master of botanical illustration</strong>.<br/><br/> This collection brings our best-selling XL-sized edition to a <strong>smaller, more convenient format</strong>, still gathering some of the <strong>finest color engravings from Redout¿ illustrations of <em>Roses</em>, <em>Lilies</em>, and <em>Choix des plus belles fleurs et quelques branches des plus beaux fruits</em></strong>(<em>Selection of the Most Beautiful Blooms and Branches with the Finest Fruits</em>). Offering a vibrant overview of Redout¿ admixture of accuracy and beaut