<P><EM>Winner of the 2010 Haskell Norman Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Psychoanalysis!</EM></P><P><EM>Rediscovering Psychoanalysis </EM>demonstrates how, by attending to one¿s own idiosyncratic ways of thinking, feeling, and responding to patients, the psychoanalyst can develop a "style" of his or her own, a way of practicing that is a living process originating, to a large degree, from the personality and experience of the analyst.</P><P></P><P>This book approaches rediscovering psychoanalysis from four vantage points derived from the author¿s experience as a clinician, a supervisor, a teacher, and a reader of psychoanalysis. Thomas Ogden begins by presenting his experience of creating psychoanalysis freshly in the form of "talking-as-dreaming" in the analytic session; this is followed by an exploration of supervising and teaching psychoanalysis in a way that is distinctly one¿s own and unique to each supervisee and seminar group. Ogden goes on to rediscover psychoana