<p><strong>A Comprehensive Christian Resource for Treating Sexual Addiction and Problematic Sexual Behavior</strong></p><p>An estimated three to five percent of the U.S. population meet the criteria for sexual addiction, and many more engage in problematic sexual behavior or have been harmed by it. The statistics are startling:</p><ul><li>77% of Christian men between 18 and 30 watch pornography monthly</li><li>35% of Christian men have had an extramarital affair</li><li>1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls have been sexually abused</li></ul><p>Americans spend $13 billion a year on pornography, the regular viewing of which is linked to higher acceptance of violence against women and adversarial sexual beliefs. Therapists and pastors are not always adequately equipped to address the unique demands of competent care for those struggling with sexually addictive behaviors. <em>Reclaiming Sexual Wholeness</em>, edited by Todd Bowman, presents cutting-edge research from a diverse group of experts in