<p><b>WINNER OF THE CWA GOLD DAGGER</b><br><br><b>¿Tremendously exciting.¿ RUTH RENDELL</b><br><b>¿Energetic and genre-stretching.¿ <i>GUARDIAN</i></b><br><br><b>AN AURELIO ZEN MYSTERY</b><br><br>Police Commissioner Aurelio Zen has crossed swords with the establishment before ¿ and lost. But from the depths of a mundane desk job in Rome he is unexpectedly transferred to Perugia to take over an explosive kidnapping case involving one of Italy''s most powerful families.<br><br>But nobody much wants Zen to succeed: not the local authorities, who view him as an interloper, and certainly not Miletti''s children, who seem content to let the head of the family languish in the hands of his abductors ¿ if he''s still alive.<br><br><b>¿A brilliant read, enjoyed every page.¿ 5* reader review</b><br><b>¿Brilliantly plotted and beautifully written . . . Great background and attention to detail.¿ 5* reader review</b><br><b>¿If you like anything Italian you¿ll like this.¿ 5* reader review</b><br><br>