Originally created as part of the 2024 Purple Planet Horde projects, this module is two books in one publication: ¿Cavern of the Purple-People Eaters¿ is a first level adventure for PCs finishing their funnel adventures. ¿What the Hex¿ is a complete purple planet setting area with low-level adaptations of encounters, creatures, situations, plot hooks and artifacts. Just as violet is a lighter shade of purple, ¿Random Acts of Violet¿ content represents risks that are (a little) less than the full force of what the purple planet has to offer. Inside these pages you will find fun and exciting encounters for characters at level 1-2, allowing them to have a chance (albeit a small one) of advancing and gaining experience upon this hostile world. Just as newborn sharks retreat to mangroves for protection and survival, smart low-level parties will do well to explore these areas before taking on the main content found upon the deadly plateau from Harley Stroh¿s ¿Peril on the Purple Planet.¿