<B>Get started raising your own ducks with this approachable guide by <I>duck-fluencer</I> Kristine Ellis (@dunkin.ducks).</B><BR/><BR/> Raising ducks<B> may seem like all fun and games</B> thanks to the adorable and silly birds, but what most people don’t realize is just how much work it takes to successfully keep them healthy and happy. The truth is that it’s not difficult, <B>but it does require time, effort, and knowledge</B>. Through her social media channels, Kristine shares many different aspects of her experience with raising ducks. She shows the good, the bad, and everything in between. In <I>Raising Ducks for Beginners and Beyond</I>, Kristine takes the same <B>honest approach</B> and <B>covers it all:</B><BR/>  <ul><li><B>When and how to start</B>: When is the best time to start raising your ducks? What are the pros and cons? Are there any specific requirements in your state regarding keeping ducks? How should you set up when bringing your