<P><I><B>Radio Life</B></I><B>: a gripping adventure and a riveting political thriller: The Commonwealth, a post-apocalyptic civilisation on the rise, is locked in a clash of ideas with the Keepers . . . a fight which threatens to destroy the world . . . again.</B><br><br>When Lilly was first Chief Engineer at The Commonwealth, nearly fifty years ago, the Central Archive wasn''t yet the greatest repository of knowledge in the known world, protected by scribes copying <I>every</I> piece of found material - books, maps, even scraps of paper - and disseminating them by Archive Runners to hidden off-site locations for safe keeping. Back then, there was no Order of Silence to create and maintain secret routes deep into the sand-covered towers of the Old World or into the northern forests beyond Sea Glass Lake. Back then, the world was still quiet, because Lilly hadn''t yet found the Harrington Box.<br><br>But times change. Recently, the Keepers have started gathering to the east of Yellow R