<P><EM>Projected Shadows</EM> presents a new collection of essays exploring films from a psychoanalytic perspective, focusing specifically on the representation of loss in European cinema. This theme is discussed in its many aspects, including: loss of hope and innocence, of youth, of consciousness, of freedom and loss through death. Many other themes familiar to psychoanalytic discourse are explored in the process, such as:</P><UL><LI>Establishment and resolution of Oedipal conflicts</LI><LI>Representation of pathological characters on the screen</LI><LI>Use of unconscious defence mechanisms</LI><LI>The interplay of dreams, reality and fantasy</LI></UL><P><EM>Projected Shadows</EM> aims to deepen the ongoing constructive dialogue between psychoanalysis and film. Andrea Sabbadini has assembled a remarkable number of internationally renowned contributors, both academic film scholars and psychoanalysts from a variety of cultural backgrounds, who use an array of contemporary methodologies