<P><STRONG>Principles of Composite Material Mechanics</STRONG> covers a unique blend of classical and contemporary mechanics of composites technologies. It presents analytical approaches ranging from the elementary mechanics of materials to more advanced elasticity and finite element numerical methods, discusses novel materials such as nanocomposites and hybrid multiscale composites, and examines the hygrothermal, viscoelastic, and dynamic behavior of composites. </P><P>This fully revised and expanded <STRONG>Fourth Edition</STRONG> of the popular bestseller reflects the current state of the art, fresh insight gleaned from the author''s ongoing composites research, and pedagogical improvements based on feedback from students, colleagues, and the author''s own course notes. </P><P><STRONG>New to the Fourth Edition</STRONG></P><UL><P><LI>New worked-out examples and homework problems are added in most chapters, bringing the grand total to 95 worked-out examples (a 19% increase) and 212 ho