<P><STRONG><EM>Principles of Analysis: Measure, Integration, Functional Analysis, and Applications</EM></STRONG> prepares readers for advanced courses in analysis, probability, harmonic analysis, and applied mathematics at the doctoral level. The book also helps them prepare for qualifying exams in real analysis. It is designed so that the reader or instructor may select topics suitable to their needs. The author presents the text in a clear and straightforward manner for the readers¿ benefit. At the same time, the text is a thorough and rigorous examination of the essentials of measure, integration and functional analysis.</P><br/><br/><P></P><br/><br/><P>The book includes a wide variety of detailed topics and serves as a valuable reference and as an efficient and streamlined examination of advanced real analysis. The text is divided into four distinct sections: Part I develops the general theory of Lebesgue integration; Part II is organized as a course in functional analysis; Part II