<B>Ray Dalio, the legendary investor and international bestselling author of <I>Principles </I>- whose books have sold more than five million copies worldwide - </B><B>shares his unique template for how debt crises work and principles for dealing with them well. This template allowed his firm, Bridgewater Associates, to antic­ipate 2008’s events and navigate them well while others struggled badly.</B><BR/><BR/> As he explained in his international best­seller <I>Principles</I>, Ray Dalio believes that almost everything happens over and over again through time, so that by studying patterns one can understand the cause-effect relationships behind events and develop principles for dealing with them well. In this three-part research series, he does just that for big debt crises and shares his template in the hopes of reducing the chances of big debt crises hap­pening and helping them be better managed in the future.<BR/><BR/> The template comes in three