<P><B>Does your child love to find out what makes top bird predators experts at hunting? They will be staggered at the variety of techniques our feathered friends use to bring down their prey!</B><br><br>Speedy peregrines swoop on their victims, hobbys have superior aerial manoeuvring skills, short-toed eagles team up in coordinated attacks and thrushes bash their prey against rocks. Different techniques and adaptations are examined in detail, showing how bird predators are perfectly suited to their habitat and to the prey they pursue.<br><br>Each spread has dramatic photographs and looks in detail at one bird and focuses on its primary weapon, such as talons, hearing or ambush. The prey animal shows us how it attempts to evade certain death, whether through camouflage, a speedy retreat or safety in numbers. Stat panels give readers a quick overview of how predator and prey stack up against each other.<br><br>Predators are awe-inspiring. Whether they are fast, strong, armed with claws