<P>With the globalist project immersed in conflicts and adversity, Post-Colonial Globalisation offers an insight into the actors who animate it and the power dynamics which run through it. Using the law as the prism through which these are examined, and fusing historical with contemporary perspectives, the book contributes to understanding the crisis in which we find ourselves as a moment of both existential danger and an opportunity. </P><P> </P><P>This book is in two parts. The first part charters capitalism¿s historical progression to globalism through the lens of the act of taking. Taking has risen to institutional prominence as a core concept in the legal lexicon of foreign investment protection to denote deprivation of private property. Post-Colonial Globalisation advances a broader notion of taking as a tool of social criticism. From enclosures, to colonial settlement to an empire of unequal exchanges, to contemporary land grabs, private property, now so vigorously protected aga