<p><strong>The ultimate keepsake for every pickleball fan—from a dink shot to the kitchen, everything a pickleballer needs to know in this fully illustrated guide to the world’s greatest recreational sport, packed with lots of joy, good humor, and even a little bit of wisdom.</strong></p><br/><p>Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America. Easy to learn, but impossible to master, it’s no wonder that nearly 5 million people nationwide have picked up their paddles and taken to the court. But people aren’t just dabbling in this up-and-coming activity, they are <em>obsessed</em>; some hit the court as many as five, six, even seven times a week. As <em>Vanity Fair</em> put it, pickleball has “won over everyone, from Leonardo DiCaprio to your grandparents.”</p><p><em>Pickleball Is Life </em>is the first book of its kind celebrating the weird and wonderful world of pickleball. It will take readers on a journey from the sport’s quirky origi