<p><b><i>Period Power</i> is a profound but practical blueprint for aligning daily life with the menstrual cycle, to give women a no-nonsense explanation of what the hell happens to their hormones every month and how they can use each phase to its full advantage.</b><br><br>Ninety per cent of women experience symptoms of PMS, a syndrome which features a wide range of signs and symptoms and yet there¿s an enduring lack of understanding about what it actually is, and a disappointingly meager range of treatment options.<br><br>So many of us have a Jekyll and Hyde experience of our lives; we feel on top of the world, capable, confident and sexy for part of each month, then find ourselves in a state of physical and emotional discomfort and fatigue, wanting nothing more than to collapse on the sofa in front of Netflix. But what if instead of just trying to plan for our dark days, women were equipped with ways to improve them? What if our desire to improve ourselves could be combined with our