<p><strong>Leverages real-life cases to foster in-depth understanding of pediatric audiology</strong></p><p><cite>Pediatric Audiology Casebook, Second Edition</cite> is fully updated with more than 60 new cases presented in four sections, covering all facets of the diagnosis and management of hearing disorders in children. Renowned experts Jane R. Madell, Carol Flexer and rising stars Jace Wolfe and Erin C. Schafer have compiled an impressive compendium of basic to complex diagnostic cases, covering the most salient topics in the field. The book effectively bridges the gap between content knowledge and clinical application, enabling readers to put acquired theory into active practice by engaging in problem-based learning.</p><p><strong>Key Features</strong><ul><li>All cases include key information for diagnosing and managing pediatric patients: clinical history, audiologic testing, evaluative reader questions, thought-provoking answers, definitive diagnosis, recommended treatment optio