Peace Through Tourism



<p><i>Peace through Tourism</i> considers the possibilities for tourism to contribute to efforts to unmask conflict and promote peace. This edited volume considers the intersections between tourism, peace, justice and sustainability through conceptual and empirical works surveying practices, problems and challenges all around the globe. It presents a complex and critical approach, arguing that peace through tourism is dialogic and not as simple as describing a few ¿good¿ niche segments of tourism.</p><p>The pedagogies of peace represented here work to analyse structural violence associated with tourism¿such as in the dominance of neoliberal market imperatives over local or social economies; colonising, patriarchal and anthropocentric practices in tourism; and tourism¿s complex role in post-conflict settings. Analyses found here place scholars, industry and communities in conversation about building shared tourism futures where peace is understood as peace with justice and differen

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