Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology



Now in its Fourth Edition, the acclaimed Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology aims for both depth and breadth, with a focus on adult disorders and special attention given to personality disorders. It provides an unparalleled guide for professionals and students alike. Esteemed editors Robert F. Krueger and Paul H. Blaney selected the most eminent researchers in abnormal psychology to provide thorough coverage and to discuss notable issues in the variouspathologies which are their expertise. This fourth edition is fully updated and also reflects alternative, emerging perspectives in the field (e.g., the NIMH''s Research Domain Criteria Initiative; RDoC, the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology; HiTOP). The book exposes readers to exceptional scholarship, the history and philosophy of psychopathology, the logic of the best approaches to current disorders, and an expert outlook on what researchers and mental health professionals will be facing in the years to come. This volumewill be us

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