<p>Trujace Akta will definitely nail you to your chair. It is an action-packed detective story with some elements of a thriller based on real events. It addresses such issues as transnational crime, "deep state" transnational secret societies and what is often labelled as "conspiracy theories". The authors, whose professional and life experience introduced them into many of the problems mentioned in the book.</p><p>The book starts with the description of a business trip of young Polish female journalist to the USA where she meets an old and terminally sick World War veteran who had been involved in various secret operations of Polish intelligence and seems to know about the world way more than one can read in the media. The journalist is shocked with some of the veteran''s statements that sound incredible to her and is willing to do further research of the facts he mentioned. The veteran gives her contact address of his old friend and colleague living in Warsaw, who could help her in h